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Selectmen's Minutes August 14, 2001
Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes                                                                                                                                                             August 14, 2001

Present:   Judy Murdoch, Catherine Kuchinski, Daniel Webster, Stephanie McSweeney and Peter Jones. Also present Management Assistant, Meredith Scozzari.

7:37 p.m. Chairman Webster called the meeting to order and read the announcements:  Closing of the Main Street Railroad crossing on Sept. 7 – Sept. 9th.  Bus trip conducted by Baran Partners Saturday, September 8th, Blue Grass Concert on the Green.

I.      Monthly Department Head Reports

Police Lt. Edward Savage presented the monthly police report for Chief King.  Lt. Savage reviewed the report highlighting training in which Officers Frazier and Daley graduated from the Police Academy on August 3rd.  Two recent community events, the Family Day at Camp Kiwanee and the carnival at the Plymouth County Hospital were successful and without incident.  Lt. Savage also reviewed the court activity, traffic enforcement and calls for service.  The closing of the Main Street Railroad crossing was discussed and residents were assured that all businesses and the train station would be open.  Chief King also forwarded a list of three surplus cruisers.  The van needs most of the repairs and the two other vehicles have high mileage.  The Board inquired as to the status of the other vehicles, which had been declared surplus last year.  The Board requested additional maintenance information on the three cruisers.
Fire Chief Allen Hoyt reported that the Fire Department responded to 100 calls during the month of July.  The department has been testing the hose. The Chief informed the Board he will submitted an article in the October Special Town Meeting warrant for replacement hose.  Twenty-two applications were received for the call firefighters.  Utilizing the new hiring policy, seven new call firefighters have been appointed.  The Chief is also considering a bike patrol for community events.

Building Inspector Michael Kennedy reported the 27 building permits have been issued.  He has been following up on zoning violations throughout the town.  He is on schedule with his training and certifications.

Town Accountant Barbara Gomez reviewed the current budget lines indicating that the insurance line has been exhausted.  An article will be needed for the October Special Town Meeting to replenish the line.  The insurance figures including a $16,000 increase came in after the May Town Meeting.  All other budget lines are fine.

Chairman of the Council of Aging August Silva presented an article for the October Special Town Meeting.  He listed a number of problems with the building, which he feels need to be addressed.  Library Trustee, Faith Mosher was also present.  The maintenance issues were discussed at length.  Chairman Webster pointed out that the Selectmen’s office just recently took over the maintenance of the facility and will work to get the maintenance issues addressed.  Mr. Silva also presented the Board with the Director’s monthly report.  Ms. Kuchinski requested a list of all the employees at the Center, how their salaries were funded, the balances of all the revolving accounts and grants and a list of the anticipated fundraisers.

Treasurer/Collector Carole McCormack  presented the bonding to be signed in the amount of $1,400,000.  She passed out a tax audit summary and informed the board of ongoing training.  Warrants, demands and liens have been sent out.

II.     Request for Hawker’s License – First Congregational Church of Hanson – Saturday,       August 25th  5:00 p.m.– 8:00 p.m.

MOTION by Jones, second by McSweeney to approve request for Hawker’s License to First Congregational Church on August 25th.  Voted 5 – 0.

III.    One Day Liquor License Request – Chuck Haddad 100 Steamboat Dr., Marshfield – 8/18/01  4:00 p.m. – 11:00 p.m. at Camp Kiwanee

MOTION by Kuchinski, second by McSweeney to approve One Day liquor license to Chuck Haddad for August 18, 2001 at Camp Kiwanee.  Voted 5 – 0.

IV.     Meeting dates for Sept., Oct., Nov. & Dec. – The Board set the following dates for meetings.  Sept. 4th, Sept. 11th,  Sept. 18th, Sept 25th, Oct. 1st, Oct. 2nd (Town Meeting), Oct. 9th, October 16th, Oct. 30th, Nov. 6th, Nov. 13th, Nov. 20th, Dec. 4th, Dec. 11th and Dec. 18th.

MOTION by Kuchinski, second by Murdoch to adjourn.  Voted 5 – 0.

                9:36 p.m. Meeting adjourned